Sunday, 10 April 2016

What did I discover? Part 3

UNITAR International University - Curriculum Pedagogy subject....

I really appreciate all the afford that my lecturer give to us. We get more information and knowledge that we can use it in our future.  By completing my assignment, I become more understand to design a curriculum. Madam Ng, my lecturer always guide me to the proper plan and structure in completing a task.

Madam Ng, give a suggestion to make my program and activity in curriculum be strong enough to teach it. So, I have do a lot of correction and upgrade my curriculum to be better than before. Yet, I forget to input an evaluation from the program of the curriculum. Thank you for Madam Ng, because remind me about my careless. So, I have adding an evaluation in my curriculum.

Evaluation in curriculum is characterized by many fragmented theory in every program of curriculum that often punctuated by conflict over educational philosophy. Evaluation is a process that critically examines a program. It is involves collecting and analyzing information about a program’s activities, characteristics, and outcomes. Its purpose is to make judgments about a program, to improve its effectiveness and to inform programming decisions. 

Evaluation results are to suggest that your program has strengths as well as limitations. It is should not be a simple declaration of program success or failure. Evaluation should be crafted to address the specific goals and objectives of  a curriculum.

So, I have discover my evaluation in my curriculum. Now, I can consider that I have finished my group assignment by design a curriculum.

Friday, 1 April 2016

what did i discover? part2

UNITAR International University, subject Curriculum and Pedagogy

i felt very lucky to have Madam Ng as my lecturer for this subject. She was guide my group member and myself for completing our assignment that was given.

 As I have mention before, we have choosen HIV and Aids Prevention as our curriculum. Yes, I admit, it is not too easy by designing a curriculum. We need to construct the body of the curriculum, the purpose, the objective, and the approach. In addition, we need to planned how to present the curriculum to the student and how to make sure it is successful not only in the event, but also in the future. It is quite difficult for us but, we get a help from our lecturer.

It is increased our understanding and knowledge by designing a curriculum. As a counselor and teacher in the future, designing curriculum is not a simple thing. We need to know every details and point to put in the curriculum. Because, if we miss one little thing also can damage our goal to achieve in the curriculum.

As what I have learned from the following class, it is help and guide me to design the curriculum with a step by step. There are some philosophy that can be used in curriculum.

In the previous class, I have organized the activities for the curriculum properly as a guide from the lecturer. In every activities, i need to sum up the purpose and objective, so that it can lead me to achieve the goal of the curriculum.

Sunday, 27 March 2016

Ralph Tyler or Hilda Taba?

I choose Ralph Tyler model because Tyler’s model is deductive while Taba’s is inductive. Tyler’s approach argues from the administrator approach while Taba’s reflects the teacher’s approach. In essence, Tyler believes that administration should design the curriculum and the teachers implement it. Taba believes that the teachers are aware of the students needs. Hence teachers should be the ones to develop the curriculum and implement in practice. Another name for Taba’s is the grass-roots approach. However, her rationale does not start with objectives, as she believes that the demand for education in a particular society should be studied first. Taba also pays attention to the selection of the content and its organization with an aim to provide students with an opportunity to learn with comprehension. In other side, Tyler lays the main stress on aims, evaluation and control. This approach may be perfect, perhaps, for market oriented education, but inadequate for the development of responsible and creative individuals able to meet the challenges of the constantly changing circumstances. Many educational systems today, using Tyler’s model, have come to crises and require reforms based on a totally different model of curriculum development. 

These four basic principles of Ralph Tyler model. First is defining appropriate learning objectives. Second, establishing useful learning experiences. Third is, organizing learning experiences to have a maximum cumulative effect. The last one is evaluating the curriculum and revising those aspects that did not prove to be effective. 

As a result of the basic principles, the role of the curricularist and teacher shifted to that of scientist. In the development of any curriculum using the Tyler method, hypotheses are to be established in direct relation to the expected learning outcomes for students. As the curriculum is enacted, teachers become scientific observers, determining whether or not their curricular hypotheses are in fact demonstrated by student behavior.  In this case, students will participate on any level in the planning or implementation of their education, while solely assume the role of object of study.

Wednesday, 23 March 2016

what did i discover

This week, i was learn something valuable by designing curriculum. It is boost an approach from ourselves by creating a curriculum  and present to the student. As what i learn in the class, the approach of curriculum development is based on contemporary curriculum development knowledge, systemic thinking, and collaborative approaches. In addition it is on our view that professional development is a necessary component for effective curriculum reform to one and the others. I believe that broad involvement and ownership of the main stakeholders is key for effective curriculum development and every approaches is important to achieve the goal that are set up in curriculum. Without an approach, the curriculum will not get successful.

There are many approaches to curriculum development. For instance, behavior, humanistic and cognitive approaches. They differ by the various perspectives curriculum developers construct regarding the key curricular elements which is curriculum, teachers, students and the context.  Some people develop the curriculum by focus on students and their learning goals where others focus on the effect of the teacher’s action upon learning.  Others than that, is focus on the context of learning and the degree to which individuals are viewed autonomously or as the objects upon which the work of curriculum is acted.

In conclusion, curriculum approach is the way of dealing, designing and thinking about the curriculum. It is involved evaluating from the surrounding, issues and learning environment.

Curriculum Design and Approach

UNITAR International University - i was created one curriculum for the subject of Curriculum Pedagogy. I choose "HIV and Aids Prevention" as my curriculum because i wanted to reduced a number of HIV and Aids suffers. Also, i wanted to build a good and healthy society that can drive  our country to the successful.

As what i have been planned with my group member, i choose behavior as a approach by designing a curriculum. It is because the curriculum emerged out of a long relationship between the social and behavior among student.

A good behavior can effect a good quality of the person. Approach of behavior by designing curriculum is the way of doing or think about something that can change their behavior, in the same time prevent the teenagers from disease of HIV and Aids.It is important ingredients in curriculum implementation as evaluating the learning outcomes as a change in behavior.

In addition, i put a little bit of humanistic as a approach because it is rooted in the progressive and teenagers self-centered. It is consider the value of teenagers in future without suffer from disease of HIV and Aids.

Sunday, 28 February 2016


1)  Is Curriculum relevant to my field of study?


Curriculum is a systematic and intended packaging of competencies including knowledge, skills and attitudes that are underpinned by value.
Learners like me can be acquire through organised learning experiences both in formal and non-formal settings.

Curriculum plays an important role in forging lifelong learning competencies, as well as social attitudes and skills. For instance, tolerance and respect, constructive management of diversity, peaceful conflict management, promotion and respect of Human Rights, gender equality, justice and inclusiveness.
At the same time, curriculum contributes to the development of thinking skills and the acquisition of relevant knowledge that learners like me can apply it in the context of our studies, daily life and careers.

Curriculum relevant to my field of study because it can guide me in the future. it teach learners like me from the first step to the next step until the end of the studies.
In addition, it make us cristal clear of our understanding.
we know the goal of our field, Guidance and Counselling.
we know our responsible toward community.

2) What makes an "awesome" curriculum in this 21st century?

Curriculum in this 21st century are awesome because all students enable to gain
an understanding of the factors that shape societies’ economic, social and belief
systems and to develop the personal qualities and skills required for them to be
informed and responsible participants in a society that is becoming increasingly global in nature and diverse in composition and outlook.

Curriculum in this 21st century was engaging with the high
quality teaching and learning process instead of increasing highly technology nowadays. 
It is flexible and responsive to diversity and designed so that teachers can tailor learning experiences to the interests and needs of students.

My Self

i would like to introduce my self first
because people said, "if you did not know each other, how can you love each love"

My name is Mirrah Nazihah Binti Jamali.
I am 22 years old right now.
Status ? Married. Got a lovely son, named Daris Mustafa.

Now studying at UNITAR International University
taking Bachelor in Education, Guidance and Counselling
second year degree this year
and will be finishing my degree in 2018...In Shaa Allah

As long as I lived in this world, I have one principle in my life.
which mean :
"we were able to achieve what we dreaming of, as long as we have an efforts, and we did not give up"
i never forget this principle while finishing my degree and make my dream comes true.
yeah right, there are so many challenges in this life because nothing can be so easy to get.
but, with this principle, i can build the strength in myself and fight.

My ambition is I want to be a lecturer of psychology and counselling.
because instead of teaching, lecturing and giving knowledge to the student, i also want to understand them more.
i want to guide them to be more productive for themselves, their family, their jobs and our country
moreover, i wanted to help other teenagers who have a social problem, family problem and financial problem to get a better life.

with my field,
i wished i can be more responsible towards people and my country.