I choose Ralph Tyler model because Tyler’s model is deductive while Taba’s is inductive. Tyler’s approach argues from the administrator approach while Taba’s reflects the teacher’s approach. In essence, Tyler believes that administration should design the curriculum and the teachers implement it. Taba believes that the teachers are aware of the students needs. Hence teachers should be the ones to develop the curriculum and implement in practice. Another name for Taba’s is the grass-roots approach. However, her rationale does not start with objectives, as she believes that the demand for education in a particular society should be studied first. Taba also pays attention to the selection of the content and its organization with an aim to provide students with an opportunity to learn with comprehension. In other side, Tyler lays the main stress on aims, evaluation and control. This approach may be perfect, perhaps, for market oriented education, but inadequate for the development of responsible and creative individuals able to meet the challenges of the constantly changing circumstances. Many educational systems today, using Tyler’s model, have come to crises and require reforms based on a totally different model of curriculum development.
These four basic principles of Ralph Tyler model. First is defining appropriate learning objectives. Second, establishing useful learning experiences. Third is, organizing learning experiences to have a maximum cumulative effect. The last one is evaluating the curriculum and revising those aspects that did not prove to be effective.
As a result of the basic principles, the role of the curricularist and teacher shifted to that of scientist. In the development of any curriculum using the Tyler method, hypotheses are to be established in direct relation to the expected learning outcomes for students. As the curriculum is enacted, teachers become scientific observers, determining whether or not their curricular hypotheses are in fact demonstrated by student behavior. In this case, students will participate on any level in the planning or implementation of their education, while solely assume the role of object of study.
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